3 sentences on the institute

The ABI is one of Germany’s major research centers in the domain of both comparative area studies and transregional studies. As an independent, non-profit research institution, the institute cooperates with the University of Freiburg. The Institute was founded in 1960 and goes back to Arnold Bergstraesser, at that time Professor of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Freiburg.


8. November 2023

Out Now: New Call for Policy Paper Series by the Postcolonial Hierarchies-Network

Bild ABI Mitarbeiter*innen auf der Wissenswerte-Messe in Freiburg, Oktober 2023
27. October 2023

We attended: Germany's largest trade fair for science journalism took place this year in Freiburg.

24. October 2023

Alke Jenss book „Selective Security in the War on DrugsThe Coloniality of State Power in Colombia and Mexico" offers debates on coloniality of state power.

Grafik der Uni Freiburg mit den Portraits der Expert*innen
20. October 2023

Manuela Boatcă, Andreas Mehler and Johanna Pink on confronting the legacy of German colonialism.

Events / Dates

Information on further events soon available here


Revolutionary movements, like Salafi-jihadis, often capture public attention. However, as scholars of Salafism have long argued, quietist Salafis are the largest sub-group within, and in many ways the true heart of, Salafism in the southern Mediterranean and beyond. This article has two aims. First, it provides scholarship on Salafi groups in Libya and Algeria not tied to jihadi milieus.


This working paper is a systematic literature review of the term “local turn” in the field of human migration.

It reviews 36 journal articles to answer the following questions: what are the subjects of the local turn? What is the stimulus behind the local turn? And what are its characteristics?

This article explores coloniality of knowledge reproduced through EU funded Migration Capacity Building Programmes (MCBPs) in Niger, considering the period between 2015 and 2021. Drawing on Fanon, it shows that MCBPs reproduce logics of colonial subject formation.

Projects and cooperations

Foto: Jerome Dahdah. License: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Deed

Postdoc Project: The point of departure of this research are the paradoxes in Turkish doctors’ privileged mobility to contemporary Germany. The concepts of hope and waiting in the context of migration will be used to examine these paradoxes.

2023 - 2024
Symbolic picture for the project "De/Coloniality Now initiative"

An early-career research tandem project brings together a multidisciplinary team of three scholars based in Freiburg, Accra and Maiduguri to rethink the question of restitution of cultural heritage as a decolonial issue.

2023 - 2024
Guests of the project's final conference at ABI, April 2023.

Over several decades since the second half of the 19th century, European military personnel, scientists and merchants have brought cultural and everyday objects, but also human remains from the colonies of the time to their home countries. This is why skulls attributed to the African continent are kept in Freiburg - in the so-called Alexander Ecker Collection. The collection also contains human remains whose acquisition and use cannot be considered ethically and scientifically justifiable from today's perspective; in the case of others, the acquisition history is difficult to reconstruct. The research project resulted in policy recommendations and a science communication video.

May 2021 to April 2023
Cover photo of the research project “Renewable Energies, Renewed Authoritarianisms? The Political Economy of Solar Energy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)”

Emmy Noether Junior Research Group looks at the relationship between solar energy and authoritarian practices in select countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), namely in Morocco, Tunisia and Jordan.

2022 - 2028