Lüdke, Dr. Tilman

tilman.luedke [at] abi.uni-freiburg.de
+49 (0)761 888 78 28
Deutschland und Naher Osten, Politischer Islam, Islam und Nationalismus, Geschichte des Zypern-Konfllikts
Regionale Schwerpunkte: 
Naher Osten, Zypern



Cyprus Eight Years after the Referendum: Re-Unification or Two-State Solution

Historikerkommission: Geschichte der Organisation Gehlen/ des BND


Platzhalterbild Beitrag Sammelband/ Buchkapitel (Wiss.)
Beitrag Sammelband/ Buchkapitel (Wiss.)
Lüdke, Dr. Tilman / Vaclav et al. Horcicka
The Frustrated Peace? The Political, Social and Economic Impact of the Versailles Treaty

The Versailles Treaty and its Successors (particularly the Treaties of Sevres and Lausanne) had a disastrous effect on the Ottoman Middle East. The contribution argues that the political and geographic arrangements laid down in these treaties bear a
heavy responsibility for the ongoing conflicts and tensions of the region up to the present time.

Platzhalterbild Beitrag Sammelband/ Buchkapitel (Wiss.)
Beitrag Sammelband/ Buchkapitel (Wiss.)
Lüdke, Dr. Tilman / Dr. Andreas Hilger / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Krieger / Prof. Dr. Holger Meding
Die Auslandsaufklärung des BND: Operationen, Analysen, Netzwerke

Under pressure of the USA the Org. Gehlen/ the BND became active in the Middle East shortly after the end of World War II. The publication deals with its activities in various countries of the Middle East during the 1950s and 1960s.