Turner, Dr. Lewis

lewis.turner [at] newcastle.ac.uk
Areas of Research: 
Syrian refugees in the Middle East; humanitarianism; gender, particularly masculinities; labour market access and integration, encampment policies
Regional Focus: 
Middle East, particularly Jordan


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Lewis Turner is a post-doctoral researcher working on the Syria refugee response in the Middle East. He has a particular focus on questions of gender (especially men and masculinities), race, work, labour markets and encampment. His work has appeared in numerous peer-review journals, including International Feminist Journal of Politics, Mediterranean Politics, and Middle East Critique; and has won multiple prizes: from the British International Studies Association, the Feminist Theory and Gender Studies section of the International Studies Association, and the Political Studies Association.

He is currently working as part of the EU Horizon 2020 Consortium ASILE (Global Asylum Governance and the European Union's Role). This project studies the interactions between emerging international protection systems and the United Nations Global Compact for Refugees. Dr. Turner's work in this project will be on refugee rights, status and vulnerability, with a particular focus on Jordan.