Berichte, Studien, Policy Paper, Workingpaper

ASEAN connectivity through labour migration? The role of migrant civil society for the Decent Work agenda

Kurze Beschreibung / Abstract: 

Labour migration has the potential to become an essential feature of people-to-people connectivity within the ASEAN community. It can contribute to the “soft” infrastructure of the regional organization by enabling the personal interactions between its citizens as well as the formation of transnational networks. It can also contribute to significant economic growth and development in the region. For the foreseeable future, though, the majority of intraregional labor migrants will fall into the so-called “low-skilled” category which is particularly prone to vulnerable working conditions. To address these shortcomings in terms of protection and rights and to ensure decent, i.e. “productive work for women and men in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity” (ILO) a multi-stakeholder governance approach is needed that includes those most directly affected by the policies – migrants and their self- and support organizations. Migrant civil society can contribute to the decent work agenda by providing direct support and expertise “from the ground”, acting as a transmission belt between migrant workers and other stakeholders and formulate policy recommendations. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of migrant civil society in times of crises.

Erscheinungsdatum Online: 
Tuesday, 28. December 2021
Erscheinungsdatum Print: 
Tuesday, 28. December 2021
University of Cambridge
Platzhalterbild Berichte, Studien, Policy Paper, Workingpaper