
Whenever possible, the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute (ABI) publishes its most important research findings in leading peer-reviewed journals and prestigious series. The Institute's own Working Paper Series (with in-house peer review and language editing) underscores this mission. The ABI publishes the International Quarterly for Asian Studies, a leading, peer-reviewed academic journal for Asian research.


Platzhalterbild Monographie (Wiss.)
Monographie (Wiss.)
PD Dr. Rother, Stefan / Uwe Hunger
Stefan Rother und Uwe Hunger beleuchten im Lehrbuch die aktuellen Migrationsbewegungen, erklären die Ursachen von Migration und Flucht und zeigen, wie auf nationalstaatlicher und supranationaler Ebene mit Migration umgegangen wird.
Platzhalterbild Beitrag Sammelband/ Buchkapitel (Wiss.)
Beitrag Sammelband/ Buchkapitel (Wiss.)
Jenss, Dr. Alke / Dr. Tobias Boos / Dr. Rosa Lehmann
Sozialstrukturen in Lateinamerika. Dynamiken und Akteure im 21. Jahrhundert

Die Sozialstrukturen in Lateinamerika haben sich in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten stark verändert. Dieser einleitende Beitrag des Sammelbandes „Sozialstrukturen in Lateinamerika. Dynamiken und Akteure im 21. Jahrhundert“, der eine Art Follow-Up des Buches „Sozialstrukturen in Lateinamerika. Ein Überblick“ (herausgebracht 2008 im VS Verlag) ist, umreißt die im Buch anhand von vergleichenden und Fallstudien dargestellten sozialstrukturellen Entwicklungen.

Platzhalterbild Beitrag Sammelband/ Buchkapitel (Wiss.)
Beitrag Sammelband/ Buchkapitel (Wiss.)
Lüdke, Dr. Tilman / Vaclav et al. Horcicka
The Frustrated Peace? The Political, Social and Economic Impact of the Versailles Treaty

The Versailles Treaty and its Successors (particularly the Treaties of Sevres and Lausanne) had a disastrous effect on the Ottoman Middle East. The contribution argues that the political and geographic arrangements laid down in these treaties bear a
heavy responsibility for the ongoing conflicts and tensions of the region up to the present time.

Platzhalterbild Beitrag Sammelband/ Buchkapitel (Wiss.)
Beitrag Sammelband/ Buchkapitel (Wiss.)
Lüdke, Dr. Tilman / Dr. Andreas Hilger / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Krieger / Prof. Dr. Holger Meding
Die Auslandsaufklärung des BND: Operationen, Analysen, Netzwerke

Under pressure of the USA the Org. Gehlen/ the BND became active in the Middle East shortly after the end of World War II. The publication deals with its activities in various countries of the Middle East during the 1950s and 1960s.

Platzhalterbild Zeitschriftenartikel (Wiss.)
Zeitschriftenartikel (Wiss.)
Völkel, Dr. Jan Claudius / Dr. Paul Maurice Esber
Middle East Law and Governance

This introduction leads into the Special Issue “Parliaments in the Middle East and North Africa: A Struggle for Relevance.” Parliaments in the Arab world have hardly been considered to be relevant institutions during the decades of authoritarianism in the post-independence era. If at all, they were of importance as a strategic element in the power-saving strategies of regimes.

Platzhalterbild Zeitschriftenartikel (Wiss.)
Zeitschriftenartikel (Wiss.)
Völkel, Dr. Jan Claudius / Dr. Paul Maurice Esber
Middle East Law and Governance

The struggle of Arab parliaments to assert their place as strong and relevant legislative institutions in the context of the post-2011 developments, independent from exorbitant interference on the part of the executive, may appear to mirror the labors of Sisyphus, the doomed man from Greek mythology who repeatedly pushed his rock up a hill for eternity. The articles in this special issue have examined, and in so doing elucidated, the nature of the struggles faced by parliaments in the Arab world with particular attention towards Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Tunisia.

Platzhalterbild Beitrag Sammelband/ Buchkapitel (Wiss.)
Beitrag Sammelband/ Buchkapitel (Wiss.)
Völkel, Dr. Jan Claudius
Routledge Handbook on Contemporary Egypt

While Egypt’s government institutions are formally independent, they in fact operate under the directives of the “deep state.” The Egyptian Armed Forces (EAF) in particular intervene in the country’s governance whenever generals deem it necessary. This chapter understands the EAF as the “invisible hand” behind the country’s central institutions, using them as “fingers” to steer daily politics.

Platzhalterbild Zeitschriftenartikel (Wiss.)
Zeitschriftenartikel (Wiss.)
Völkel, Dr. Jan Claudius / Chahd Bahri
MIddle East Law and Governance

This article is part of the Special Issue “Parliaments in the Middle East and North Africa: A Struggle for Relevance.” Tunisia’s parliament has undergone a remarkable internal transformation process since 2011, from a formerly mostly irrelevant institution to an influential locus of policy-making. This successful progress notwithstanding, the parliament’s transformation to a democratic assembly has not been fully concluded yet.

Platzhalterbild Zeitschriftenartikel (Wiss.)
Zeitschriftenartikel (Wiss.)
Völkel, Dr. Jan Claudius
Middle East Law and Governance

In the Euro-Mediterranean region, several international parliamentary initiatives are engaged in parliamentary diplomacy and cooperation. Besides the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean (PA-UfM) and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) cross the shores. In addition, a number of national European parliaments, as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations, cooperate with Arab parliaments in a bilateral manner.

Platzhalterbild Herausgeberschaft (Wiss.)
Herausgeberschaft (Wiss.)
Völkel, Dr. Jan Claudius / Dr. Paul Maurice Esber
MIddle East Law and Governance

Parliaments in the Arab world have hardly been considered as relevant institutions during the decades of authoritarianism in the post-independence era. If at all, they were of importance as strategic element in the regime’s power-saving strategies.

Platzhalterbild Beitraege zu Konferenzen
Beiträge zu Konferenzen
Schütze, Dr. Benjamin
Guest Seminar
Platzhalter Online-Publikation, Blog-Artikel, op-ed
Online-Publikation, Blog-Artikel, op-ed
Schütze, Dr. Benjamin / Camille Abescat / Emma Empociello / Simon Mangon
Noria Research

Jordan has long been one of the highest recipients of US and European “democracy promotion” funding. Severe crackdowns on domestic opposition forces in 2020 and during the royal feud in April 2021, however, have revealed just how flimsy the regime’s commitments to democracy remain, and the extent to which the often celebrated stability of the country remains premised on coercion and oppression.

Platzhalterbild Zeitschriftenartikel (Wiss.)
Zeitschriftenartikel (Wiss.)
Schütze, Dr. Benjamin / Prof. Dana El Kurd
Democracy and Autocracy - The International Aftermath of the Arab Spring

The United States features prominently in the authors’ exchange between Dana El Kurd and Benjamin Schuetze. Dana El Kurd’s book, Polarized and Demobilized: Legacies of Authoritarianism in Palestine,
is a study of international involvement in Palestinian politics after the Oslo Accords. She demonstrates
how the U.S. supported local elites whose interests diverged from those of the population. This led to

Platzhalterbild Monographie (Wiss.)
Monographie (Wiss.)
Schütze, Dr. Benjamin
Benjamin Schütze's book on the stability of Jordanian authoritarianism and the impact of American and European funding on the `promotion of democracy` in Jordan has just been published
Platzhalterbild Berichte, Studien, Policy Paper, Workingpaper
Berichte, Studien, Policy Paper, Workingpaper
Schütze, Dr. Benjamin

قدم هذا التقرير نظرة عامة على منشورات مختارة حول العلاقة بين السياسة والطاقة. ثم ناقش بعض
الطرق التي تعمل بها التقنيات والبنى التحتية المختلفة، وطرق التمويل، وأشكال المعرفة في التأثيرات
الاجتماعية والاقتصادية للطاقة الشمسية. أخيراً، قدمت أمثلة مختارة، من أجل إظهار اعتماد الطاقة
الشمسية على السياق. في حين أن الطاقة الشمسية، ولا سيما الطاقة الشمسية اللامركزية، تتمتع
بإمكانات تحررية معينة، فإن المشاريع تكون دائماً جزءاً لا يتجزأ من هياكل السلطة الموجودة مسبقاً.
في محاولة لتصور الطاقة من منظور علائقي ، قيل أن تأثيرات الطاقة الشمسية تختلف باختاف فئات

Platzhalter Online-Publikation, Blog-Artikel, op-ed
Online-Publikation, Blog-Artikel, op-ed
Jenss, Dr. Alke
Analyse & Kritik

Trotz massiver Repression bringen die Protestierenden in Kolumbien Staat und Militär in Bedrängnis.

Platzhalterbild Berichte, Studien, Policy Paper, Workingpaper
Berichte, Studien, Policy Paper, Workingpaper
Dickow, Dr. Helga
Platzhalterbild Beitrag Sammelband/ Buchkapitel (Wiss.)
Beitrag Sammelband/ Buchkapitel (Wiss.)
Mehler, Prof. Dr. Andreas
Africa Yearbook 17
Platzhalterbild Beitrag Sammelband/ Buchkapitel (Wiss.)
Beitrag Sammelband/ Buchkapitel (Wiss.)
Mehler, Prof. Dr. Andreas
Africa Yearbook 17
Platzhalterbild Herausgeberschaft (Wiss.)
Herausgeberschaft (Wiss.)
Kamski, Dr. Benedikt / Prof. Dr. Andreas Mehler / Prof. Albert Awedoba / Prof. David Sebudubudu
Africa Yearbook

The Africa Yearbook covers major domestic political developments, the foreign policy and socio-economic trends in sub-Sahara Africa – all related to developments in one calendar year. The Yearbook contains articles on all sub-Saharan states, each of the four sub-regions (West, Central, Eastern, Southern Africa) focusing on major cross-border developments and sub-regional organizations as well as one article on continental developments and one on African-European relations.

Platzhalterbild Zeitschriftenartikel (Wiss.)
Zeitschriftenartikel (Wiss.)
Dickow, Dr. Helga / Dr. Yonatan N. Gez / Nadia Beider
Africa Spectrum
Helga Dickow, Nadia Beider and Yonatan Gez just published an article at Africa Spectrum about “religious nones” - who are not affiliated with any religious tradition - in Sub-Saharan Africa, offering an overview of this understudied subject.
Platzhalterbild Berichte, Studien, Policy Paper, Workingpaper
Berichte, Studien, Policy Paper, Workingpaper
Zanker, Dr. Franzisca / Hannah Edler / Prof. Dr. Ulrike Krause / Nadine Segadlo

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected refugees and their protection? To respond to this question, we conducted a study using a qualitative questionnaire in six countries in East Africa, Southern Africa and West Africa, namely Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe. In this paper, we explore the information provided by the 90 respondents and focus on three main areas. We first address vulnerable groups and the new, additional and prolonged challenges, as well as potential tensions among refugees and between refugees and host communities due to the pandemic.

Platzhalterbild Zeitschriftenartikel (Wiss.)
Zeitschriftenartikel (Wiss.)
Mehler, Prof. Dr. Andreas / Prof. Dr. Wazi Apoh

Die Restitutionsdebatte gewinnt an Brisanz. Berlin, die alte Kolonialmetropole, und „ihr“ Humboldt-Forum ziehen viel Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Einer der Gründe für diese Anziehungskraft ist die in Gang gekommene Beschäftigung mit den Verbrechen der Kolonialmacht Deutschland. Ursprünglich sollte mit dem Haus lediglich die Berliner Museumslandschaft der „Weltkulturen“ ergänzt, die über Jahrhunderte gesammelten Schätze im Besitz der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz im Herzen Berlins ausgestellt werden. Aber das erscheint vielen nicht mehr als legitim.

Platzhalterbild Weitere Artikel, Konferenzberichte, Lexikonartikel und Laenderberichte
Weitere Artikel, Konferenzberichte, Lexikonartikel und Länderberichte
Zanker, Dr. Franzisca
Platzhalter Online-Publikation, Blog-Artikel, op-ed
Online-Publikation, Blog-Artikel, op-ed
Dickow, Dr. Helga
migration control info

Landesspezifische Informationen mit Fokus auf Migration.